Bajaj Sales Breakup Dec 2024 – Pulsar, Chetak, Platina, Freedom Cng
Bajaj Auto Limited 2025 ended with negative sales. Two sales of wheels decreased by 14.16 % on Yoy Basic, while the company suffered a decrease in mother events or 38.50 %. Just as the Bajaj Pulsar team continued the highest sales plans, Platina and Chetak were alongside relatively new freedom and CT that showed a positive demand for annually.
Through a decrease in sales, Bajaj Auto has removed some variables from its wallet as of January 2025. These include Plusar F250, Platina 110 ABS and CT125X. Pulsar F250 is stopped before the newly launched Plusar RS25 is launched.
Bajaj sales of December 2024
Bajaj sales are located at 1.21.107 units in December 2024, a decrease of 14.16 % more than 1,41.085 units sold in December 2023. This sharp growth was 38.50 % from 1.96.906 units sold in November 2024.AA A. Huge 75799 units decline in storage units. The Bajaj Pulsar range continued to expand in other models in terms of sales even when he suffered a decrease of 38.82 % on an annual basis and 42.95 % of 65.301 units.
Bajaj Pulsar gets a 53.92 % stake in the style of 125 cm in demand with 41.908 units that were sold last month. There were also 14.471 units of Pulsar 150 CC, 6.131 units, 2.409 units of Pulsar 200CC and 250 cc was sold respectively. MOM PULSAR sales decreased by 42.95 % from 1.14.467 units sold in November 2024. The Pulsar range recently expanded the Pulsar N160 individual seat variable.
Platinum sales grew by 58.26 % on an annual basis, but it decreased by 42.61 % on my basic mom to 25.584 units. This represents 21.13 % of the company’s sales. YOY’s positive registration was also Bajaj Chetak Electric Scotter with 21.020 unit sales last month was a massive improvement of 61.59 % of 13.008 units sold in December 2023. However, mom sales decreased by 18.15 %. Chitak also made its way until no. 4 in the list of the best 10 sales scooters before Burgmanan, IQUBE and NTorq.
Bajaj freedom sales at 4.173 units last month a decrease of 10.24 % of the mother from 5,953 units 2024. MOM CT sales decreased by 10.24 %.
Bajaj Avenger and Dominar Sales December 2024
Bajaj Avengers and Domainar suffered, both of whom asked for less than annual and my mother. AveNGER sales decreased by 28.17 % on an annual basis and 44.31 % on Mom Basic to 724 units. There was LEG 1.008 units and 1300 units sold in December 2023 and November 2024, respectively.
Dominar sales decreased by 31.94 % on an annual basis and 29.31 % mom to 439 units. Sales in December 2023 reached 645 units, while there were 621 units sold in November 2024. The disintegration of sales showed displacement for the 400 cm style of dominar in demand for its counterpart of 250 cm. There were 226 units of 400CC sold for 213 250CC units that were sold in December 2024.